The stereoviews from the Jordan/Ference collection have been an integral part of publications in various formats. The links on this page will take you to purchase options or downloadable PDFs.

The Great War Through Keystone Stereographs Ever wonder why Keystone produced all these different World War stereo cards and what they’re really worth? Now for the first time there is a comprehensive book providing title lists for all major sets, Keystone’s links to other manufacturers, and a means of accurately evaluating the value of every Keystone World War stereoview. Each set from 1915 to the culminating 1932 Set of 400 is fully described, showing variations and how it developed from the previous set. Over 120 pictures are included. There is a complete title list for each of the seven principal sets, as well as a list by card number showing what sets each one appeared in. The book is a valuable supplement to this web site. It will enable anyone to date Keystone stereographs and to separate the common WWI sets and stereo cards from the scarce ones. Written by our own Bob Boyd, this book is THE indispensable reference for anyone collecting Keystone WWI stereoscopic cards.
Videos & Apps

Soldiers’ Stories This 3D film tells the story of the first world war from the perspective of the soldiers who fought it using original images taken 100 years ago from the battlefields of France. Painstakingly remastered for 15/70 mm film format these powerful and haunting images are brought to the screen for the first time ever. The film uses current veterans to tell the stories of soldiers that can no longer speak and features the narration of academy award winning actor and veteran Mickey Rooney. A 3D virtual reality app version can be found in the Google Play store.
Published Articles Utilizing Views from the Jordan/Ference Collection
- Furnes Field Hospital “Private Stereoviews of the Furnes Field Hospital, Belgium, 1914,” Robert S. Boyd.
- WWIPropaganda “WW1, Propaganda, Advertising and the Pan-Chro-Scope,” Ralph Reiley, Stereo World, July/August 2017.
- Girdwood and Realistic Travels “Hilton DeWitt Girdwood and his Battle with British GHQ and the War Office,” Ralph Reiley, Stereo World, July/August 2016.
- Gallipoli “Col. Charles Snodgrass Ryan at Gallipoli with a Verascope,” Ralph Reiley, Stereo World, March/April 2016.
- Phony War “1915 Keystone’s Phony War,” Ralph Reiley, Stereo World, November/December 2015.
- Artillery “Ultima Ratio Regis; The Last Resort of Kings. Artillery 1914-1918,” Ralph Reiley, Stereo World, September/October 2014.
- Major Hanson & Keystone “Major Joseph Mills Hanson and Keystone War Views,” Ralph Reiley, Stereo World, March/April 2013.
- Belgians in East Africa “Lt. Joris, Belgium, and WWI’s East African Sideshow,” Ralph Reiley, Stereo World, January/February 2013.
- Zeppelins Part 1 “Giants in the Sky: Zeppelins Part 1, 1900-1918,” Ralph Reiley, Stereo World, July/August 2011.
- Zeppelins Part 2 “Giants in the Sky: Zeppelins Part 2, 1919-1940,” Ralph Reiley, Stereo World, September/October 2011.
- Trench War “Trench War 1914-1918,” Ralph Reiley, Stereo World, July/August 2010.
- Balloons “When the Balloon Went Up: Observation Balloons of WWI,” Ralph Reiley, Stereo World, September/October 2009.
- Air War “The First Air War 1914-1918,” Ralph Reiley, Stereo World, May/June 2009.
- WWITanks “The Great War and the First Tanks,” Ralph Reiley, Stereo World, January/February 2009.
Other Published Articles concerning Great War Stereoviews
- King, Kaiser & Tsar “The King, the Kaiser and the Tsar: Royal Families, ‘Relativity’ and the Coming of World War 1,” Richard C. Ryder, Stereo World, July/August 2014.
- U-boats “U-boat! German Submarines Through Two World Wars,” Richard C. Ryder, Stereo World, May/June 2002.
- 6×13 Glass Images “6×13 Treasures on Glass,” John Dennis, Stereo World, May/June/July/August 1999.
- Verdun “Verdun Then & Now – What Price Glory,” Robert James Leonard and Ronald Jay Leonard, Stereo World, July/August 1997.
- Vaterland/Leviathan “The Vaterland/Leviathan,” Eric Beheim, Stereo World, May/June 1988.
- YMCA “The ‘Y’ and the Great War,” Norman B. Patterson, Stereo World, March/April 1986.