Added André’s “Ypres in Ruins” set to the Amateur Views in the Stereography Library. This set consists of a series of eight 6x13cm glass diapositives of exceptional quality, showing the ruins of Ypres. The series is discussed on André Ruiter’s Stereoscopy History website.
Ypres in Ruines
More amateur sets
Added two more amateur sets to the Stereoview Library.
Loos Amateur Stereoviews
Added a folder for Loose Amateur Stereoviews. This folder contains individual private views, as well as tiny (smaller than 4) sets of slides that don’t warrant consideration as cohesive collections. In all cases, it is impossible to identify the photographer. In the majority of cases, it is impossible to identify the date, location, theatre of combat, and so on, although in some cases uniforms, artillery, armor, and other contextual clues can help narrow it down. While the lack of information can be frustrating, some of these views are quite remarkable. In the future, a spreadsheet will be added as well as a page examining the slides, in order to track any information that we – or our contributors – can ascertain from the images themselves. Keep checking in with this folder, as numerous images will be added in coming weeks.
Reims in Ruins
Added Reims in Ruins, 23 March 1919, a set of 12 amateur stereoviews, from an unknown photographer, detailing the ruins of Reims in March 1919. The slides appear to have been hand-printed from stereo pairs, as is made very clear by the reversal on Slide #4. A departure from most Reims sets of the “ruins tourism” era in post-war France, the Cathedral is only the focal point of two of twelve slides. Some significant alteration had to be made to a few damaged slides; this was done with a mind to matching the tonality to the non-damaged slides in the set. While many are barely-stereo, they are significant in the bredth of topics around Reims, as well as the precise date – which can be used to help date other Cathedral and general Reims views.
Added hotlinks
Added hotlinks from the front page to all the site pages to accommodate the fact that some mobile devices do not respond well to the site menu in the upper-right hand corner.
Doug Jordan passed away
With great sadness, I must relay that Doug Jordan passed away peacefully this morning after a lengthy illness. To the end, he was confounded by H. D. Girdwood’s lack of card-number consistency and joking about how if he were a zombie, he’d avoid General Pershing as the meal would be too small. We, as a stereographic community, and the world on the whole have lost a great man, full of wisdom, humor, and insight. Requiescat in pace. –Ian
Site migration issues
Owing to a recent site migration, French and German diacritics are not displaying properly in the file folders. This is a known server-side issue, and we are working with our new hosts to hopefully ameliorate the situation. Meanwhile, we’ve got people looking into various ways in which the images can be displayed in a gallery format instead, with the captions intact. Please bear with us as we struggle with some growing pains due to the migration. The files, once downloaded, should regain filenames properly on your Mac or PC. Meanwhile, this does not affect your ability to view them.
Scanning complete
Scanning and organization of the French glass slides manufactured by LSU and sold by both LSU and the SDV is complete. The list and images have been loaded to the site. Thanks to all the collectors who contributed to this effort!